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Topor cu coada din fibra de sticla 1600g
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Trafalet rosu-gri economic 9″
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Plasa de sarma 10 x 10 x 1.0 MM x 1.0M x 12M
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Lant comercial zincat 6.35x26x23 L=25 G=19.93 kg
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Electrozi super tit 2.5x300MMx2.5KG
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Ciocan mecanic forjat cu coada de lemn 800G
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de mana
Pistol silicon profesional 9”
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Cheie reglabila (CR-VA) 8”
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Ciocan mecanic forjat cu coada de lemn 1000G
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Ciocan dulgher ascutit maner fibra de sticla 600G
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Mistrie cu maner de lemn 180MM
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Ciocan mecanic forjat cu coada de lemn 5000G
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Ferastrau coarba cu maner plastic 30”
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Mistrie cu maner de cauciuc, inox 180MM
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Scule si unelte
de zugravit
Trafalet rosu-gri gros 10″
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Trafalet acril gros delux 10″
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Trafalet verde gros 9″
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Trafalet pentru calorifer burete 4″
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Tava plastic pentru trafalet 36x29x7.5cm
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Trafalet cu tava mica si rezerve 4″
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Pensula maner rosu 1.5” (lungime fir par=43MM)
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Gratar pentru trafalet din plastic 250x300mm
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